Compassion is a ministry of demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ to the deprived by sharing the Good News of God's Salvation. Every week (Saturdays), a group of people will be gathered not just to bring home something but to be invited to fellowship and hear the Word of God.

The way people are engaged is by what we call in Tagalog “ayuda” provisions or small packs of grocery supplies partnered with the sharing of the Word. Those who were really touched by God responded with frequent attendance and continued to invite more people as they experience spiritual refreshment by constant hearing of God’s Word. Amazingly, this cycle resulted in the putting up of additional small groups or Bible Studies.

A Quick History. The ministry was born out of a need that was neglected unintentionally, as there was simply too much to accomplish. However in November 2021, when post-pandemic presented an opportunity to attend to our needy brethren, an unscheduled meeting gave rise to a suggestion forming a ministry that caters to this need.  Doc Nancy Plaza, agreed to lead the ministry and it was backed up by her siblings and her in-laws. 

The beginning of the ministry was somewhat chaotic. Problems and complicated matters threatened the infant ministry causing it to wobble for the next three months. The goal of helping people get their ayuda’s and to hear God’s Word was significantly hampered and not without casualty. However, this chaos was used by God to correct hearts and minds. As a result, leadership revamps sprouted healthily with humility, unity, and higher commitment. The revised leadership regrouped with new hopes. And God did wonders! It was February 2022, the ministry was reborn with a higher sense of passion and accountability. Doc Nancy together with Tong, Dal & Vitoy and the ministry’s core group paved the way for greater success. 

Look beyond your own needs. 

From February 2022 onwards, more breakthroughs came after a greater sense of understanding governed the ministry, adopting the newly coined phrase “look beyond your own needs”. From then on, the ministry grew exponentially, from ministering to a hundred people in the first three months to four times more in the next six months! Weekly schedules became regular and were coupled with two huge gatherings aimed at holistically reaching out to the people of San Martin De Porres.  Last April 24 the ministry did a simple program of blessing people. More than 160 people attended and were blessed and ministered to (watch UVCC San Martin De Porres Outreach).

You are invited to take part. 

If more believers would really “look beyond your own needs” we can reach even more people with the hope that the gospel of Jesus brings. Compassion for people is not just acknowledging but meeting their needs. Therefore, we invite more people by telling such stories. We pray for people with the same heart to catch the vision of reaching more people with the love of God. Truly, we need to ‘look beyond our own needs’.

We are accepting 


The ministry is doing outreaches that aims to give some essential goods to people. With this, there is a need that the ministry asks for. You can donate any amount that will proceed to all activities of Compassion. You can also give in-kind donations in form of products. By giving any amount, you are making a step of "looking beyond your own needs".




