About UVCC

UVCC is a family oriented and a community of faith. 

At the root of the church is the deep belief in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Thus, this results in a foundational perspective that we are a community of faith under Him. This gives the church a community feel. More so, a family-inspired relationship. This belief and perspective provide values that we uphold that are based on the Bible. We value being connected to one another. We value integrity. We value the sharing of the various blessings we have received from the LORD in various ways. And people mostly need belongingness. People need faith, hope, and love that only the people of God can share. We reach out to people. We share with people with faith, hope, and love because we have received faith, hope, and love from the LORD. And this is where the community belief and perspective comes helpfully. This is when the truth and power of God comes to a group of people and results to changed lives

The People. The church membership with our relatives and friends are interconnected on a web of relationships. It’s like individuals are being shared with the gospel and those same individuals bring the gospel to their respective families, and many of those families enlarge into clans as more relatives get to hear and receive the Word. That’s how it has been for the past 14 years of UVCC’s existence. 

The services and activities.  Currently, UVCC has regular services on Sundays (the worship celebration) and Wednesdays (prayer & worship). In addition to this are the small groups (or Bible study groups), the youth fellowships, the kids church, the men and women fellowships. Likewise, there’s the UVCC Bible School Online. It is an in-depth schooling for pastors, workers, and volunteers. These services and activities are a combination of face-to-face and online. Given the opportunities of internet technology, such services and activities cater to our church membership, relatives and friends here in the Philippines and abroad. 

In quick history, the UVCC church began in the last quarter of 2007. From a roughly twenty plus people, UVCC now has a membership of 500 people, ministered to by seven pastors, in five churches, a few outreaches, and an amazing number of small groups. It is such an incredible milestone that hundreds of people are being ministered to via UVCC services and activities, especially the small group ministry. However, it was not so at the beginning. The first three years were a steep uphill climb. 

Then breakthroughs came one after the other. God then empowers small teams of people here and there that sparked breakthroughs upon breakthroughs … year after year. The level of experiencing God heightened among the youths and adults alike fired up. Lives by families were changed, more inspired leaders carrying the vision, and young and old alike began serving God with their best, miracle healings happened, ministries were put up to expand the horizon of the “ekklesia”!