Message From The Senior Pastor

Be Part Of Something Bigger Than Yourself

Anybody can "be part of something bigger than oneself"

"Be part of something bigger than yourself" as a life principle can become as an attitude, a commitment, and a journey. It's an attitude that affects your behavior. It's a commitment that can give you self-discipline. It's a journey that makes you travel from opportunities into successes.

Let me tell you quick story. Back in third quarter 2010, the "Be part of something bigger than yourself" phrase just came into my heart. UVCC then was just two years old. I was asking the LORD for HIS direction for young UVCC. As said, this phrase just came into my spirit. God just embedded into my heart this influential life principle. This paved the way for numerous breakthroughs! From one major church breakthrough came multiple church breakthroughs. Then another major breakthrough succeeded with multiple breakthroughs. And this became a pattern of how God works for the small community of faith.

Likewise, this life principle even influenced me greatly in the work I did within the marketplace ministry. I was involved for many years in the Legend Hotels Int'l Corp (LHIC). And the life principle phrase "Be part of something bigger than yourself" became a godly mindset – a perspective..

It made me think that even though I do small chores or small parts in a ministry, and I do it well, what I did was taking part in a ministry that is bigger than myself. I may not be the main contributor in the ministry, however the small work I did was beneficial to the ministry as a whole. In my mind, even if I do a small portion of the great task, I will take part in it because I am part of something bigger than myself. Then, all the small works that I do, that we do, when combined, now becomes an influential ministry that brings Christ's gospel to the world.

Starting today, you can be "be part of something that is bigger than yourself". Start with having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Then be part of a community of faith where Jesus' life and teachings are taught faithfully. Find a small group or a Bible. study where you can study the Word with. Get to know Christ, worship Him, serve Him. Again, "be part of something bigger than yourself".

In His Vineyard,
