It's A Date

We all know somebody who has failed in their relationship with a spouse and we know how devastating the effects and the emotional suffering could be, especially if we had been in one. Or, we could be those people who had overcome the hurdles of love and saw that holding on may not be a popular option but it could lead to a whole new level of intimacy and mature love.

UVCC sees the increasing need to save relationships within the family – this, first and foremost includes the relationship between husband and wife. If there is a flourishing relationship between them – the family will be aligned to God’s purposes and become functional to its role in the society. It’s a Date is a ministry that aims to inform, encourage and reinforce families by discussing important issues that husbands and wives often struggle with and to rekindle the respect and affection by spending quality time with one another over food, drinks, music and games.

Sometimes it’s so much easier to give up but we have to believe that God has a greater plan for all the things he allows to come to our life in order to serve a higher purpose and the closest person to us might just be his perfect tool to mold us.

Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her…

Ephesians 5:24-25

Love is about many things. Yet one of the most important way of expressing love can be just as simple as giving your focused attention