Little Ones Of the Kingdom, the kid’s ministry of UVCC aims to nurture and instruct children about the teachings of the Bible. They are so precious to our Lord Jesus for of such is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:14) that is why we take hold of this inheritance to love these little ones as He did.

In order to reach the desire of the ministry, teachers and volunteers are trained to teach and to maintain the conducive and enjoyable learning for the children. These ministry workers long to have genuine love and deep care for the children. The ministry wants its workers to discover their calling in ministering, not just to the little ones but to other people as well. In a wider aim, the ministry cares for both the children and their teachers and volunteers that all may be rooted in Jesus.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

Matthew 19:14

The ministry’s activities are passive to the age of the kids and to the medium available for teaching. Ages from four to seven years old are grouped and the other is from eight to twelve years of age. Traditionally, the children’s Sunday school is held during the actual Sunday service, only their learning venue is separated from the service. Subject to the quarantine, the activities are adjusted by its schedule and all are through online platform. Lessons, which are the stories from the Bible, hands on activities and games are practiced for the teaching method.

The ministry holds the burden of sowing in these children while they are young so that they will not depart from the Word and be transformed to the person that God wants them to be (Proverbs 22:6)