God loves a cheerful giver

What does  giving cheerfully really mean?

When you look at the 1,000 Philippine Peso bill, you will notice that there are three prominent characters. And of the three, only Josefa LLanes Escoda is smiling.  Is this interesting? Yes. It surely is. You may begin to question, why is it that the other two are not even smiling?

In the perspective of Christian giving, cheerfulness in giving is an attitude that affects your behavior in the way how you give. Some people may not be that cheerful. Others may be reluctant if they should give or not. Still others are compulsive or somewhat against. And we know that this should not be the case. Every Christian and every true believer should be increasing in our generosity and our cheerfulness in giving.

So, what does giving cheerfully really mean? It is knowing what the needs around us are, as well as knowing God's will about managing our finances, and then responding to those needs and God's commands with generosity. 

Ultimately for God, he responds with love whenever his people gives cheerfully and with generosity. And altogether we say "... God loves a cheerful giver"