Why Church Membership?

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35 NIV

Such a challenging command to take to heart from Jesus Himself. The Church is called to exemplify the radical love we have received from our Saviour and Lord and our very obedience will be the mark of our identity against the dim backdrop of this world.

A Church is a community of the followers of Jesus, a circle of safety, a taste of heaven on earth, where transformation happens through the power of God and by the edifying gifts of grace given to His children. UVCC has a young but unique and unconventional church style which fosters a culture of acceptance, joy, learning, love and faith in action. We overcome life’s storms together in prayer, in worship, in training for godliness, in serving the Lord and walking in His sandals to fulfill the mission of seeking and saving the lost. All the ministries put value on spiritual, emotional and practical aspects of life because God has entrusted us with something that is bigger than ourselves - it can only be done together. In UVCC, our hope is anchored in the Lord and His promises. To be part of His chosen people is a high privilege, not burdensome, nonetheless full of benefits in this life and in the life to come.

So why church membership?

Your faith journey is never complete without church membership. We grow, we mature, we level up, we love, and practice the one-another biblical principles always in the context of church membership.

Contact us for or any question or inquiry about the UVCC Church Membership.