Taken by Christ Youth Ministry is a proactive ministry of young people reaching out to young people. Driven by the love and grace of Christ, Taken Youths go forth influencing lives of the youths inside and outside the church.

The ministry believes that Christian life is “Definitely Not Boring!” because our God who is the God of the Bible is not boring. We embody the truth of the tagline through the ministry. Motivated by this belief, the ministry seeks exposure of youths that live for Jesus and shine their light before others. With this, the ministry aims to create a momentum from changed lives as the very same tool to change lives.

Aligned with the tagline and with UVCC’s Mission “…in order to serve using their gifts- all for the glory of God”, the ministry’s activities are with delight, exciting, lively, meaningful, and at the same time savoring God’s presence through the display of the gifts given by God among the youths. Above all, this ministry believes that our God is worthy of all glory, praises and honor from the youths. With lives rooted in Jesus, a God that has never been boring, the Christian life is…

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