March 14, 2023 | Tuesday

Sacrifice and Commitment

Today's verses  Luke 9:23 ESV

"And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

Read: Luke 9

This verse is spoken by Jesus to a crowd of people who were following him. In this verse, Jesus was teaching his followers what it means to be his disciple. He told them that being a disciple requires complete commitment to him and his teachings.

Being a disciple of Jesus means that people must learn self-denial. This implies that they must set aside their own desires and submit to God's will. This necessitates humility, selflessness, and a willingness to surrender control to God. Jesus teaches that in order to be his disciple, one must pick up their cross everyday.  Just as Jesus bore his own cross, so his disciples must be willing to bear their own crosses. That is, enduring adversity and suffering for the cause of the gospel.

Finally, Jesus says that his followers must follow him. This means that they must imitate his example and live according to his teachings. They must follow him not just in words, but also in actions, living a life that reflects his love, grace, and compassion.

Thank you, God. I am reminded of the sacrifice and dedication required to be a disciple of Jesus. Please assist me in denying myself and following your will. Give me the humility and selflessness to set aside my own ambitions and walk the road you've chosen for me.

Lord, I hope that you grant me the strength to take up my cross every day and persevere through the difficulties and tribulations that come with following You. Help me to remember that the pain I am experiencing is nothing in contrast to the sacrifice Jesus made for me on the cross.

Finally, I pray for your guidance as I strive to follow Jesus. Help me to follow in his footsteps by living a life that reflects his love, grace, and compassion. May my deeds speak louder than my words, and may my life be a tribute to your mercy and goodness.

I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


The Bible in 1 year: Matthew 4-6

Writter: Victor Tabelisma